Costa Rica - Day 4

Hey Friends,
We got to rest a bit this morning then around noon we headed for Turrialba, that was about 3 hours drive through the mountains.

Here's the view from the place we stopped at for lunch. 
Double click on the picture for a cool panoramic view.

We ministered at two different places. Mike O'Connor taught at a Bible school and I spoke at a church service in a little town called Sauce. That's pronounced sah-ooh-say. Several people were healed and very encouraged. One fellow had an ulcer in his leg and was scheduled for amputation. We know he is healed and are looking forward to the testimony. On the way home I got a little car-sick but Mike & Mark prayed for me. I'm feeling much better now but I gotta go to bed so good night.
Mark took some cool pictures, click  on the slideshow below. There's some really neat pictures at the end of the ministry time Mike had with Elmer Flores our interpreter; also check out the view of San Jose's city lights from the mountainside. It's beautiful.