Starting A New Journal

Hey Friends,

I love starting a new journal after I've filled up another. I recently started a new one, here's the entry from the first day.

Father, I call forth a new level of revelation, conversation and wisdom as you and I discuss in these pages the things we would share with each other.

Lord, fill my heart & mind with your wisdom.

Son, I'm speaking in such a way as to draw your heart and mind to a more open posture. I want you to hear me more clearly and obey me instantly. My "suddenlys" can be your "suddenlys". Are you ready to move quick when I speak?

Here I am, now follow me.

Know my voice
Know it when it's gentle
Know it when it's kind
Know it when it's soft
Know it when it's strong

I am kind Son.
I am gentle
I am encouraging
But, I'm also a King!
I make decrees and commands that I expect to be obeyed.

Know my voice Son
Hear me whisper
Hear me shout
I am God
Theres is no other
Hear me out!

Son, the path I have for you is long.
There's many years ahead.
Hear my voice speaking to you of my secret wisdom
...known to so few and some of it to none.
Come listen
Let me explain

I go before you...don't make me follow
Watch & see what you see
I will show you
As I go before you it will naturally be in your sight.
You'll know what to do.
- So slow down a bit -
Watch for my hand.
Don't make moves without Me.
There's safety in waiting.
Rest now.

Well, friends, I hope that blessed you.